Horned Grebe at Lantzville: Photo by Ralph Hocken
To report your sightings
please phone the Store at 390-3669
or e-mail us at thebackyard@shaw.ca
Please remember, when reporting a sighting, to leave your name and phone
number, along with the date and location of your sighting.
An ADULT COUGAR was seen at about 4:00 P.M. September 20 on the Fire and Tranquility Trails in Morrell Wildlife Sanctuary in Nanaimo..
Sunday September 23:
The Sunday Bird Walk went to Neck Point Park in Nanaimo. Twenty-three birders found the following forty-two species: Pacific loons, Double-crested Cormorants, Pelagic Cormorants, Brandt's Cormorant, Horned Grebe, Surf Scoters, Common Merganser, Great Blue Herons, Turkey Vultures, Black Oystercatchers, Surfbird, Black Turnstones, Glaucous Gull, Thayer's Gull, Mew Gull, Glaucous-winged Gulls, Belted Kingfisher, Anna's Hummingbirds, Northern Flicker, Hairy Woodpecker, Downy Woodpecker, Steller's Jay, Northwestern Crow, Common Raven, Black-throated Gray Warbler, Orange-crowned Warbler, Chestnut backed Chickadee, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Bushtits, Cedar Waxwing, American Robin, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Spotted Towhee, Song Sparrow, Golden-crowned Sparrow, American Pipit, Brown Creeper, Dark-eyed Junco, Red Crossbill, House Finch, American Goldfinch and Pine Siskin.
The Sunday Bird Walk went to Neck Point Park in Nanaimo. Twenty-three birders found the following forty-two species: Pacific loons, Double-crested Cormorants, Pelagic Cormorants, Brandt's Cormorant, Horned Grebe, Surf Scoters, Common Merganser, Great Blue Herons, Turkey Vultures, Black Oystercatchers, Surfbird, Black Turnstones, Glaucous Gull, Thayer's Gull, Mew Gull, Glaucous-winged Gulls, Belted Kingfisher, Anna's Hummingbirds, Northern Flicker, Hairy Woodpecker, Downy Woodpecker, Steller's Jay, Northwestern Crow, Common Raven, Black-throated Gray Warbler, Orange-crowned Warbler, Chestnut backed Chickadee, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Bushtits, Cedar Waxwing, American Robin, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Spotted Towhee, Song Sparrow, Golden-crowned Sparrow, American Pipit, Brown Creeper, Dark-eyed Junco, Red Crossbill, House Finch, American Goldfinch and Pine Siskin.
Saturday September 22:
Three American Pipits were seen in a back yard at the top of Colbourne Road in Nanaimo.
Thursday September 20:
A Barred Owl was seen hunting in Morrell Wildlife Sanctuary in Nanaimo.
Tuesday September 18:
A Varied Thrush and two Great Horned Owls were heard calling near Morrell Circle in Nanaimo.
One American Pipit was seen on the Cottonwood Golf Course in south Nanaimo.
Monday September 17:
A Common Murre was seen between Blunden Point and Maude Island, off of Lantzville.
A Common Murre was seen between Blunden Point and Maude Island, off of Lantzville.
Eight Lincoln's Sparrows, over thirty Black Oystercatchers and Least Sandpipers were seen on the small Islands off the Yellowpoint area of Cedar.
Sunday September 16:
Spotted Towhee, House Wren, Chestnut backed Chickadee, American Robin, Brown-headed Cowbird, European Starling, Osprey, Bald Eagle, Coopers Hawk,Golden Crowned Kinglets, Orange Crowned Warbler, Red Breasted Sapsucker, Red breasted Nuthatch, Mallard, Brewers Blackbird, Red winged Blackbird, Belted Kingfisher, Northwestern Crow. Cedar Waxwing, Pileated Woodpecker, Double -crested Cormorant, Wood Duck, Song Sparrow, Red -necked Grebe, Turkey Vulture, Violet-green Swallow, California Quail and Great Blue Heron were seen from a deck over looking Quennell Lake in Cedar.
Spotted Towhee, House Wren, Chestnut backed Chickadee, American Robin, Brown-headed Cowbird, European Starling, Osprey, Bald Eagle, Coopers Hawk,Golden Crowned Kinglets, Orange Crowned Warbler, Red Breasted Sapsucker, Red breasted Nuthatch, Mallard, Brewers Blackbird, Red winged Blackbird, Belted Kingfisher, Northwestern Crow. Cedar Waxwing, Pileated Woodpecker, Double -crested Cormorant, Wood Duck, Song Sparrow, Red -necked Grebe, Turkey Vulture, Violet-green Swallow, California Quail and Great Blue Heron were seen from a deck over looking Quennell Lake in Cedar.
Twenty-four Dark-eyed Juncos were seen at feeders on Cedar Road near Yellowpoint Road in Cedar.
Two Anna's Hummingbirds, a Steller's Jay and a large flock of American Goldfinch were seen at feeders in Ladysmith.
Friday September 14:
A Killdeer was seen at the Cottonwood Golf Course in south Nanaimo.
A Killdeer was seen at the Cottonwood Golf Course in south Nanaimo.
For further information on these sightings or for help in identifying a
bird please call The Backyard Wildbird and Nature Store
@ (250) 390-3669
Toll Free @ 1-888-249-4145
e-mail: thebackyard@shaw.ca
The Nanoose Naturalists
Monthly Meeting
Thursday October 11, 2007 @ 7:00 pm
Nanoose Library,
Nanoose Bay
Arrowsmith Naturalists
Monthly Meeting,
Monday, September 24, 2007@ 7:30 pm.
Springwood School
Guest Speaker " Neil Dawe"
will give an update on his topic "Sustainability Initiative"
The Wednesday Bird Walks in Parksville will resume on October 17.
The Sunday Bird Walk on September 30, 2007, will be going to Buttertubs Marsh in Nanaimo
Meet at the Birdstore at 9:00 am or at the parking lot at Buttertubs Marsh bout 9:20 am. (Off Bowen Road)
Good Birding!
Neil Robins
bird please call The Backyard Wildbird and Nature Store
@ (250) 390-3669
Toll Free @ 1-888-249-4145
e-mail: thebackyard@shaw.ca
The Nanoose Naturalists
Monthly Meeting
Thursday October 11, 2007 @ 7:00 pm
Nanoose Library,
Nanoose Bay
Arrowsmith Naturalists
Monthly Meeting,
Monday, September 24, 2007@ 7:30 pm.
Springwood School
Guest Speaker " Neil Dawe"
will give an update on his topic "Sustainability Initiative"
The Wednesday Bird Walks in Parksville will resume on October 17.
The Sunday Bird Walk on September 30, 2007, will be going to Buttertubs Marsh in Nanaimo
Meet at the Birdstore at 9:00 am or at the parking lot at Buttertubs Marsh bout 9:20 am. (Off Bowen Road)
Good Birding!
Neil Robins
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