Count feeder birds for science! Project FeederWatch begins November 1st. Join now.

Thursday 22 April 2021

 Happy Earth Day!

We're wishing everyone a happy Earth Day, and hope that we can all celebrate keeping the Earth healthy and happy so we can continue to appreciate all the beauty in the world around us. It's important for everybody to have a safe environment, including the birds! By doing our part to reduce global warming and supporting eco-friendly products, we hope to make the world a better place for the wonderful birds in our backyards. If you come into our store, be sure to check out our Eco-Chic shopping bags! They are just one of the many ways we can all work towards being more conscious of the Earth and our environment. Happy birding!

Saturday 17 April 2021


Find the Birds: A wonderful educational mobile game designed by a passionate 15-year old

Adam Dhalla, a Coquitlam BC resident, has just released a mobile game that makes it easier than ever to learn about the beautiful birds you can find out in our world. His goal when creating the game was to accurately simulate the birding experience for players in a virtual setting. With birding gatherings being difficult during the Covid-19 pandemic, it is a great tool to learn about the birds you may see around you, and can be fantastic for all ages! Below we've attached a CBC article, the game's website, and the download links so you can learn more about this new and exciting movement for the birding community! We here at the Backyard Wild Bird and Nature Store can't wait to try it out, and we hope you will too. 

CBC Article:

Find the Birds Website:

Apple App Store:

Google Play: