The Backyard's Weekly Bird Walks are starting up again. Our first Tuesday walk of the fall is going to the Englishman River Estuary, Plummer Road side on Sept. 3rd. Our Sunday walk is going to Neck Point Park on Sept. 8th.

Friday 28 April 2023

 The Backyard Wildbird and Nature Store

Nanaimo Bird Report

April 28, 2023

To report your sightings phone the Store at 250-390-3669 or e-mail us at Please remember, when reporting a sighting to leave your name and phone number along with the date the species was seen and location of your sighting.

Hermit Thrush 

Tuesday April 25, 2023:

Report of Hermit Thrush seen along Hammond Bay Road in the woods near Pipers Pub.

The Tuesday birding group went to the Brant Viewing Stand in Qualicum Beach and the Little Qualicum Estuary. Weather was overcast, 8C to start and 11C at the finish. Highlights were a flock of Greater White-fronted Geese circling overhead before joining a lone Brant on a gravel bar, Horned and Red-necked Grebes in bright breeding plumage and a good showing of 15 waterfowl species.

Fifteen birders saw and/or heard the following 60 species:

Greater White-fronted Goose


Canada Goose

American Wigeon


Northern Pintail

Green-winged Teal

Harlequin Duck

Surf Scoter

Black Scoter


Common Goldeneye

Barrow's Goldeneye

Common Merganser

Red-breasted Merganser

California Quail

Pacific Loon

Common Loon

Horned Grebe

Red-necked Grebe

Double-crested Cormorant

Pelagic Cormorant

Great Blue Heron

Bald Eagle

Black-bellied Plover


Black Oystercatcher

Greater Yellowlegs

Black Turnstone


Wilson’s Snipe

Bonaparte's Gull

Short-billed Gull

California Gull

Thayer's Gull

Glaucous-winged Gull

Marbled Murrelet

Eurasian Collared-Dove

Anna's Hummingbird

Belted Kingfisher

Northern Flicker

Pileated Woodpecker

American Crow

Common Raven

Violet-green Swallow

Barn Swallow

Chestnut-backed Chickadee


American Robin

European Starling

American Pipit

Orange-crowned Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Spotted Towhee

Savannah Sparrow

Song Sparrow

White-crowned Sparrow

Red-winged Blackbird

Brewer's Blackbird

House Finch 

Savanah Sparrow (J. Morrison)

Sunday April 23, 2023:

The Sunday Bird Walk went to Maki Road Trail in south Nanaimo. Weather was overcast and 7C. highlights were Greater White-fronted Geese flying over, Orange-crowned Warblers singing, and a few Greater Yellowlegs calling.

Twenty birders saw and heard 58 species.

Greater White-fronted Goose

Canada Goose

Wood Duck

American Wigeon


Northern Pintail

Green-winged Teal

Ring-necked Duck


Common Merganser

Hooded Merganser

Pied-billed Grebe

Great Blue Heron

Turkey Vulture

Bald Eagle


American Coot


Black-bellied Plover

Greater Yellowlegs

Short-billed Gull

California Gull

Glaucous-winged Gull

Rufous Hummingbird

Anna’s Hummingbird

Belted Kingfisher

Pileated Woodpecker

Northern Flicker

Red-breasted Sapsucker

Hutton’s Vireo

Common Raven

American Crow

Violet-green Swallow

Tree Swallow

Northern Rough-winged Swallow

Chestnut-backed Chickadee

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Brown Creeper

Bewick’s Wren

Pacific Wren


Ruby-crowned kinglet

American Robin

Hermit Thrush

European Starling

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Orange-crowned Warbler

Common Yellowthroat

Western Tanager

Spotted Towhee

Song Sparrow

White-crowned Sparrow

Golden-crowned Sparrow

Dark-eyed Junco

Red-winged Blackbird

Brown-headed Cowbird

Purple Finch

American Goldfinch

Brown-headed Cowbird (J. Morrison)

The bird activity is very busy now, with the return of Rufous Hummingbirds, White-crowned Sparrow, swallows and more. Watch for Western Tanagers, Hermit Thrush, Wilson’s Warblers and Black-headed Grosbeaks returning to your backyard.

If you have any birds to report or need help identifying, just email or call the store, or 250-390-3669, toll-free 1-888-808-BIRD (2473).

The Backyard Bird Walks

Our bird walks go out Sunday mornings in Nanaimo and Tuesday mornings in Parksville and Qualicum Beach area, are easy walks that go for two to three hours (back for lunch is the plan). Bring binoculars and a field guide. The walks are weather pending.

Please check our blog ( for any cancelations.

The Tuesday Bird Walk, May 2, 2023

The Tuesday Bird Walk will be going to Springwood Park, Parksville.

Meet at the Parksville Tourist Information Center parking lot, located by Hwy 19A, Northwest Bay Road and Franklin’s Gull Road in Parksville, at 9:00 am or meet at the end of Despard Avenue at 9:10. Weather cooperating.

The Sunday Bird Walk, April 30, 2023

This week’s Sunday Bird Walk will be going to Legacy Marsh in upper Lantzville.

Meet at The Backyard Wildbird & Nature Store at 9:00am or at the corner of Normarel Drive and Sywash Ridge Road at 9:10am. Normarel Drive is located near the top of Superior Road, Lantzville. Weather cooperating.

For cancelled bird walks due to weather, please check The Backyard blog at on the day of the bird walk. A notice will be up before 8:00am if there is a cancelation.

Good birding! Colin Bartlett

Thursday 20 April 2023

Tuesday April 25 Bird Walk


The Tuesday BIrd Walk will be going out this April 25 to the Little Qualicum River Estuary (Marshall Stevenson Estuary), first starting at the Brant Viewing Stand at Qualicum Beach.

Meet directly at the Brant Viewing stand located on Hwy 19A at the north end of Qualicum Beach (between Crescent Road W and Beach Terrace) at 9:00am or at the end of Surfside Drive off Kinkade Road at 9:45. Weather cooperating.

Thank you and good birding, Colin.

Wednesday 19 April 2023


The Backyard Wildbird and Nature Store

Nanaimo Bird Report

April 19, 2023

To report your sightings phone the Store at 250-390-3669 or e-mail us at Please remember, when reporting a sighting to leave your name and phone number along with the date the species was seen and location of your sighting.

Mountain Bluebird (J. Morrison) 

Tuesday April 18, 2023:

Report of Mountain Bluebirds seen at the Englishman River Estuary in Parksville.

The Tuesday Bird Walk did not go out this week, but here is a list of birds from a walk at the Englishman River Estuary, Shelly Road, on April 26, 2022. 71 species seen and heard.


Canada Goose


American Wigeon


Northern Shoveler

Green-winged Teal

Harlequin Duck

Common Merganser

Red-breasted Merganser

California Quail

Double-crested Cormorant

Pelagic Cormorant

Great Blue Heron

Turkey Vulture

Bald Eagle

Coopers Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk


American Kestrel

Virginia Rail

Black-bellied Plover



Bonaparte’s Gull

Short-billed Gull

California Gull

Glaucous-winged Gull

Eurasian Collared Dove

Anna’s Hummingbird

Rufous Hummingbird

Belted Kingfisher

Pileated Woodpecker

Downy Woodpecker

Northern Flicker

Red-breasted Sapsucker

Hammond’s Flycatcher

American Crow

Common Raven

Violet-green Swallow

Tree Swallow

Chestnut-backed Chickadee

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Brown Creeper

Bewick’s Wren

Pacific Wren


Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Golden-crowned Kinglet

American Dipper

Townsend’s Solitaire

American Robin

Hermit Thrush

European Starling

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Orange-crowned Warbler

Black-throated Gray Warbler

Townsend’s Warbler

Spotted Towhee

Song Sparrow

Golden-crowned Sparrow

White-crowned Sparrow

Chipping Sparrow

Lincoln’s Sparrow

Savanah Sparrow

Dark-eyed Junco

Brewer’s Blackbird

House Finch

Purple Finch

Pine Siskin

American Goldfinch

Brown Creeper (R. Hocken)

Sunday April 16, 2023:

The Sunday Bird Walk went to Morrell Wildlife Sanctuary on Nanaimo Lakes Road in Nanaimo. The weather was cloudy and wet, with steady rain to start but stopped near the end of the walk. It was a little quiet with the weather, but we enjoyed watching Yellow-rumped Warblers, Wood Ducks and Anna’s Hummingbird.

6 dedicated birders saw and heard 21 species.

Canada Goose

Wood Duck


Common Goldeneye

Anna’s Hummingbird

Northern Flicker

Chestnut-backed Chickadee

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Brown Creeper

Pacific Wren

Ruby-crowned kinglet

American Robin

Varied Thrush

Hermit Thrush

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Townsend’s Warbler

Spotted Towhee

Song Sparrow

Dark-eyed Junco

Red Crossbill

Purple Finch

Saturday April 15, 2023:

Yellow-rumped Warblers were seen at Oliver Woods Park in Nanaimo.

Yellow-rumped Warbler (J. Morrison)

If you have any birds to report or need help identifying, just email or call the store, or 250-390-3669, toll-free 1-888-808-BIRD (2473).

The Backyard Bird Walks

Our bird walks go out Sunday mornings in Nanaimo and Tuesday mornings in Parksville and Qualicum Beach area, are easy walks that go for two to three hours (back for lunch is the plan). Bring binoculars and a field guide. The walks are weather pending.

Please check our blog ( for any cancelations.

The Tuesday Bird Walk, April 25, 2023

Unfortunately, this Tuesday Bird Walk will be CANCELLED.

The Sunday Bird Walk, April 23, 2023

This week’s Sunday Bird Walk will be going to Maki Road Trail in south Nanaimo.

Meet at The Backyard Wildbird & Nature Store at 9:00am or at the end of Maki Road, located off of HWY 19A, by the Living Forest Campground at 9:15 am. Weather cooperating.

For cancelled bird walks due to weather, please check The Backyard blog at on the day of the bird walk. A notice will be up before 8:00am if there is a cancelation.

Good birding! Colin Bartlett

Tuesday 18 April 2023

No Tuesday Bird Walk

 There is no bird walk today, Tuesday April 18.  

Friday 14 April 2023


The Backyard Wildbird and Nature Store

Nanaimo Bird Report

April 14, 2023

To report your sightings phone the Store at 250-390-3669 or e-mail us at Please remember, when reporting a sighting to leave your name and phone number along with the date the species was seen and location of your sighting.

Chipping Sparrow (R. Hocken) 

Friday April 14, 2023:

Chipping Sparrow is visiting a backyard feeder along with Fox Sparrow, White-crowned and Golden-crowned Sparrows on Drew Road in Qualicum Beach.

Tuesday April 11, 2023:

The Tuesday Bird Walk went to Columbia Beach at the mouth of French Creek.

5 birders saw and heard the following 41 species.


American Wigeon

Eurasian Wigeon


Harlequin Duck

Surf Scoter


Common Goldeneye

Common Merganser

Red-breasted Merganser

Common Loon

Red-necked Grebe

Pelagic Cormorant

Double-crested Cormorant

Bald Eagle


Black Oystercatcher

Black-bellied Plover

Black Turnstone


Greater Yellowlegs

Short-billed Gull

Bonaparte’s Gull

Glaucous-winged Gull

Northern Flicker

Common Raven

American Crow

Violet-green Swallow

Bewick’s Wren

American Robin

European Starling

Spotted Towhee

Golden-crowned Sparrow

White-crowned Sparrow

Song Sparrow

Dark-eyed Junco

Red-winged Blackbird

House Finch

Purple Finch

American Goldfinch

House Sparrow

Black-bellied Plover (R. Hocken)

Sunday April 9, 2023:

The Sunday Bird Walk was cancelled this week for the Easter long weekend.

Friday April 7, 2023:

A Townsend Solitaire was seen in a backyard on Timberwood Drive Nanaimo.

Townsend’s Solitaire (J. Anderson)

If you have any birds to report or need help identifying, just email or call the store, or 250-390-3669, toll-free 1-888-808-BIRD (2473).

The Backyard Bird Walks

Our bird walks go out Sunday mornings in Nanaimo and Tuesday mornings in Parksville and Qualicum Beach area, are easy walks that go for two to three hours (back for lunch is the plan). Bring binoculars and a field guide. The walks are weather pending.

Please check our blog ( for any cancelations.

The Tuesday Bird Walk, April 18, 2023

Unfortunately, this Tuesday Bird Walk will be CANCELLED.

The Sunday Bird Walk, April 16, 2023

This week’s Sunday Bird Walk will be going to Morrell Wildlife Sanctuary.

Meet at The Backyard Wildbird & Nature Store at 9:00am or at the Morrell parking lot, entrance on Nanaimo Lakes Road by Dogwood Road, at 9:15 am. Weather cooperating.

For cancelled bird walks due to weather, please check The Backyard blog at on the day of the bird walk. A notice will be up before 8:00am if there is a cancelation.

Good birding! Colin Bartlett