The Backyard's Weekly Bird Walk locations are found in the Backyard Bird Report at the very end of the most recent report. Any cancellations will be posted by 8am the day of the walk.

Wednesday 5 October 2022

Birds and Water

With the out of season dry weather, natural water sources for birds can be harder to find. If you're unable to have bird feeders set out, a simple, easy to maintain alternative is to put out some water. Having a source of fresh water for your backyard birds is a great way to attract more birds, especially with the recent dry weather. Not all birds will come to feeders but all birds need water, especially when natural water sources aren't as readily available.

A water source can be as simple as a shallow dish filled with water every morning. If you use a bird bath, make sure to choose one with a shallow dish and gently sloping sides. Birds can have issues judging water depth and like to wade in rather than jump. If your dish is deeper than 2", you can add some rocks to create shallower places for birds to perch. 

When placing your bird bath or shallow dish, keep in mind that birds find everything by sight and sound. Having your bath in an open area with trees or bushes 8-10ft away. The nearby shrubbery provides cover when necessary but is far enough away to let the birds find the water and spot predators easily. The nearby perching area also allows potentially waterlogged birds to have somewhere safe to dry off enough to fly. Having the cover any closer ca give predators somewhere to hide and make it more difficult for the birds to spot danger.

Adding a bird bath or other water source to your yard does not mean instant birds as they will need time to find it. Birds have great hearing, so adding the sound of moving water can help them find it faster. Additions such as drippers or bird bath fountains can make enough of a sound to draw birds in. A simple homemade solution to create this dripping sound is poking a hole in the bottom of a 2 liter pop bottle and hanging it above the feeder. Birds don't need a loud sound, this simple slow drip is enough to get their attention. 

When putting out a water source, keep in mind that you do need to clean it regularly. Once a week or more often if you notice it getting dirty. Using 1 part bleach with 9 parts water, or a 1 to 1 ratio of industrial white vinegar and water (cleaning vinegar found in hardware stores) to disinfect and clean feeders can help prevent the spread of disease among your backyard visitors.

Enjoy your birds!

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