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Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Parksville/Qualicum Beach Tuesday bird walk, November 07, 2017

             Parksville/Qualicum Beach Tuesday Bird Walk, November 07:
The Tuesday bird walk went to the Englishman River on the Plummer Road side in Parksville. The morning was cloudy with a strong wind off the strait of Georgia.  We spotted a Norther Harrier at the beginning of the morning flying just above the grass. The Harrier then perched on a log to give us great views.  A Cooper's Hawk and a Merlin flew over head. A very large flock of  American Wigeons with one Eurasian Wigeon were seen swimming in the flooded estuary. Three flocks of Dunlin and a flock of Black-bellied Plovers were seen flying up the Strait Of Georgia. We spotted a Clark’s Grebe swimming up the Strait and we were entertained by him for about thirty minutes.

Clark’s Grebe(front) and a Western Grebe (back): Ralph Hocken Photo:

Twelve birders saw and heard the following fifty-five Species:
Canada Geese
American Wigeon
Eurasian Wigeon
 Northern Pintail
Green-winged Teal
 Greater Scaup
 Harlequin Duck
 Surf Scoter
 White-winged Scoter
 Black Scoter
Long-tailed Duck
Common Goldeneye
Common Merganser
 Red-breasted Merganser
Ancient Murrelet
Common Murre
 Pacific Loon
 Common Loon
Red-necked Grebe
 Horned Grebe
 Clark’s Grebe
 Double-crested Cormorant
 Brandt’s Cormorant
Great Blue Heron
Bald Eagle
 Norther Harrier
 Cooper's Hawk
Black-bellied Plover
  Mew Gull
 California Gull
Iceland Gull
 Glaucous-winged Gull
 Belted Kingfisher
Anna's Hummingbird
 Northern Flicker
Common Raven
 Northwestern Crow
 Steller’s Jay
Eurasian-collared Dove
Chestnut-backed Chickadee
European Starling
Red-breasted Nuthatch
 Spotted Towhee
 Fox Sparrow
 Song Sparrow
 Golden-crowned Sparrow
 Dark-eyed Junco
 Red-winged Blackbird
Brewer’s Blackbird
 House Finch

Northern Harrier: Ralph Hocken Photo:

The Tuesday bird walk on November 14, 2017 will be going to Columbia Beach in French Creek. Meet at the Parksville Community Park (at the parking lot in front of the Lions Club Playground) at 9:00 a.m. or at the parking area off Admiral Tryon Blvd. (turn onto Columbia Drive off highway 19a then turn right onto Admiral Tryon Blvd.  Go about one hundred yards and turn left to the parking area) at about 9:15 a.m.

Good Birding
Neil Robins

314 Metral Drive
Nanaimo B.C.
Phone: 250-390-3669
Fax: 250-390-1633

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