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Sunday, 18 June 2017

Sunday Bird Walk, June 18, 2017:

The Sunday bird walk went to the Beaver Ponds in Nanoose Bay.

The morning was cloudy and the winds were calm.  We had great views of a Black-throated Gray Warbler.  We heard and then saw several Willow Flycatchers around the pond.  A family of Purple Martins was perched in a snag along the pond.  Violet-green Swallows were seen hawking insects just above the pond.  Swainson’s Thrush entertained  us all morning with their songs.  Red-breasted Nuthatch’s were spotted feeding in a tall tree near the trail.

Black-throated Gray Warbler:

Nine birders, including birders from Leamington, Ontario, Seattle, Washington and St Albert, Alberta, saw and heard the following twenty-five species:

Northern Flicker

Orange-crowned Warbler

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Black-throated Warbler

Townsend’s Warbler

Wilson’s Warbler

Swainson’s Thrush

Common Raven

Northwestern Crow

Purple Martin

Violet-green Swallow

Chestnut-backed Chickadee

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Bewick’s Wren


Pacific-slope Flycatcher

Willow Flycatcher

American Robin

Red-winged Blackbird

Spotted Towhee

Dark-eyed Junco

Song Sparrow

Chipping Sparrow

Red Crossbill

House Finch

Parksville/Qualicum Beach Tuesday bird walk, June 13, 2017

The Tuesday Bird Walk on June 13, 2017 went to Rathtrevor Beach Provincial Park in Parksville.  The morning was cloudy with a strong wind off the Strait of Georgia. Four Black Swifts were seen hawking insects high above us at the beginning of the walk. Two Caspian Terns were spotted, one was resting on a gravel bar and the other one was plunging in the water in search of prey further offshore. Two Pigeon Guillemots and an Marbled Murrelet were seen further off shore. A Great Horned Owl being mobbed by a flock of American Robins was seen at the end of the walk.

Fifteen birders including visiting birders from Seattle and Australia saw and heard the following forty-two species:
Canada Geese
Red-breasted Merganser

Common Merganser
Surf Scoter

Pelagic Cormorant

Pacific Loon

Common Loon

Bald Eagle
Great Horned Owl

Cooper’s Hawk

Glaucous-Winged Gull
Mew Gull
California Gull
Caspian Tern

Pigeon Guillemot

Marbled Murrelet

Black Oystercatcher

European Starling
Rufous Hummingbird
Northern Flicker 
Willow Flycatcher
Pacific-Slope Flycatcher
Northwestern Crow
Common Raven
Black Swift

Tree Swallow

Violet-Green Swallow
Chestnut-Backed Chickadee
Red-Breasted Nuthatch
Bewick's Wren
Pacific Wren
Swanson’s Thrush
American Robin
Orange-Crowned Warbler 
Black-throated Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Spotted Towhee
Fox Sparrow

Song Sparrow
White-Crowned Sparrow
Dark-eyed Junco

Purple Finch

                                                     Caspian Tern: Ralph Hocken Photo:

 A flock of Evening Grosbeaks were seen in a backyard near Andover and Fairwinds in Nanoose Bay.

A flock of thirty Great Blue Herons were seen flying over the Casino in downtown Nanaimo.

Saturday, June 10:

Red Crossbills were seen above the Boat Harbour in Nanaimo.

The Tuesday Bird Walk on June 20/17 will be going to The Little Qualicum River Fish Hatchery.  Meet at The Parksville Community Park at the parking lot in front of the Lion's Playground at 9 a.m. or at the Brandt Viewing Platform in north Qualicum Beach at about 9:20 a.m.

The Sunday Birdwalk on June 25/17 will be going to Legacy Marsh in upper Lantzville. Meet at the Birdstore at 9:00 a.m. or under the hydro lines on Normarel Drive (off Superior Road & highway 19) at about 9:20 A.M.

Good birding

Neil Robins


314 Metral Drive

 Nanaimo B.C.

Phone: 250-390-3669

Fax: 250-390-1633

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